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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

Our God is an all-consuming fire: a consuming fire, a refiner's fire, a fire at the sacrificial altar, a fire in the wilderness leading the...

As we enter the Easter season rejoicing in the new life we’ve been given through the resurrection of Jesus, how can we forget the price He paid—by...

You choose the distance or closeness you will have with the Lord. He's as close as you want Him to be. With faith, comes the gift of intentionality....

Don't expect carrying out God's will to be easy. Trials and temptations still enter the lives of those who believe Jesus Christ died for their sins...

We all desire to feel special, in one way or another, to feel set apart, to feel seen and known. We can easily look for this confirmation in other...

The promises of God are precious, and we count on Him to keep them. As Jesus said, we ought just to keep our word rather than make vows, but that...

When I was headed for a collision, Jesus climbed into my red car and it stopped spinning out of control. No matter what situation we may find...

Long before Jesus' disciples asked Him how to pray, the Lord gave us essential guidance on praying for each other. Does praying come easily for you,...

It's so hard to give up control, isn't it? Surrender doesn't come as naturally in a society of tight-fisted people, and most of the time working hard...

If a matchstick flame can lighten up a room, can you imagine how much our lights can dispel the darkness in the world? Someone, somewhere, needs to...


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